Are you struggling to overcome the lingering effects of past trauma? Do intrusive memories and overwhelming emotions continue to impact your daily life? If so, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy may offer the transformative healing you've been seeking.
What is EMDR Therapy?
EMDR therapy is a powerful and evidence-based approach to treating trauma and other distressing experiences. Developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s, EMDR therapy incorporates elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) along with bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or tapping, to help individuals process and resolve traumatic memories and associated beliefs.
How Does EMDR Therapy Work?
During an EMDR therapy session, your trained therapist will guide you through a series of structured steps:
Assessment: Your therapist will work with you to identify the specific traumatic memories or distressing experiences you'd like to target in therapy.
Preparation: Before beginning the processing phase, your therapist will help you develop coping skills and relaxation techniques to ensure you feel safe and grounded throughout the process.
Desensitization: Using bilateral stimulation, such as following the therapist's finger movements with your eyes or tapping on alternating sides of the body, you'll engage in sets of rapid eye movements while focusing on the targeted memory or distressing experience.
Reprocessing: As you engage in bilateral stimulation, your brain is able to process the memory in a new way, allowing you to make connections, gain insights, and integrate new perspectives that promote healing and resolution.
Installation: Positive beliefs and resources are strengthened and integrated to replace negative beliefs and self-perceptions associated with the traumatic memory.
Closure: At the end of each session, your therapist will ensure you feel grounded and provide tools for self-soothing and relaxation.
Reevaluation: Throughout the course of therapy, your therapist will periodically assess your progress and adjust treatment as needed to ensure continued healing and growth.
What Can EMDR Therapy Treat?
EMDR therapy has been extensively researched and shown to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions, including:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Childhood trauma and abuse
Anxiety disorders
Grief and loss
Performance anxiety
And more
Take the First Step Towards Healing
If you're ready to break free from the grip of trauma and reclaim your life, EMDR therapy may be the key to unlocking your path to healing. Contact us today to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our trained EMDR therapists and take the first step towards a brighter, more hopeful future.
At Bodhi, we're committed to supporting you on your journey to healing and wholeness.
¿Qué más debo saber sobre EMDR?
Es eficaz para niños, adolescentes y adultos.
No es necesario hablar en detalle sobre un tema angustiante.
Se centra en cambiar las emociones, pensamientos o comportamientos que resultan de una experiencia angustiante, permitiendo que su cerebro reanude un proceso de curación natural.
Ayuda a la mente a curarse del trauma psicológico de la misma manera que el cuerpo se recupera del trauma físico.
Es reconocida como una forma eficaz de terapia del trauma por la Asociación Estadounidense de Psiquiatría, la Organización Mundial de la Salud y el Departamento de Defensa.
Más de 100.000 médicos en todo el mundo utilizan esta terapia.
Millones de personas han sido tratadas con éxito en los últimos 25 años.
Más información
A continuación se muestran cuatro vídeos útiles y tres artículos sobre la terapia EMDR.

This article is an account of an EMDR patient detailing his experience.
Adam Cayton-Holland