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6 Things College Students Should Know About Voting in Illinois

Hallie Pearson

For some of you, this may be your first time voting, or you may have a few votes under your belt. Regardless, the ins and outs of voting can seem overwhelming. You may wonder if you need an ID, where your nearest office is, how to register to vote, when deadlines are, or even what the in-person voting process may look like.


“How do I register to vote? Do I re-register each year?”

·      You can register to vote in the state of Illinois in person, by mail, or online.

·      Visit here to register to vote online:

·      You may have voted before, which means you had to have already registered. The best way to confirm your registration is to visit this website and enter your first and last name, DOB, and zip code:

·      If you choose to register by mail, this form is printable and contains mailing addresses for all U.S. states:



“Are there registration deadlines?”

Yes! In the state of Illinois, registration deadlines are as follows:

·      Online registration: 16 days before the Election Day.

·      Register by mail deadline: Must be postmarked 28 days before Election Day.

·      In-person registration deadline: Available up to and including on Election Day.

·      Use this site to confirm Illinois Federal and State deadlines:


“Do I need an ID?”

If you are voting in person in the state of Illinois, you may be wondering if you must have your ID present to vote.


FIRST-TIME VOTERS: You are required to show Identification when you vote on Election Day if you did not register in person, or you did not show an ID when you registered.


The state of Illinois has no document required to vote.


If you are an out-of-state college student attending a University in Illinois, use this site to identify what forms of ID are acceptable, or the laws for voter identification for your state:



“Where is my nearest voting poll?”

Use this site, enter in your zip code and you will see nearby voting polls based on your zip code.


“I attend school in Illinois, but my residence is in another state”

Many individuals may be out of their residential state at the time of their state or the Presidential Election. However, there is a form to request an absentee ballot in which you can vote for your residential state even if you are not physically there.


Through this link, you can request an absentee ballot that will be sent to your current address. The form will ask for your residential address, the address you would like the ballot sent to, as well as your name, contact information, and birth date.


“What does in-person voting look like?”

For those of you voting for the first time or going in person for the first time, you may have questions about what the voting process looks like.


1.     You will need to find a poll place location.

2.     When you arrive, there may be a line, depending on the time of day or the time until the Election concludes.

3.     You will go in, be handed your test, and can ask any questions you may have

a.     You do not need to bring any supplies, pencils and ballots will be provided for you.

4.     Poll places may look different, but to provide a visual, they may have standing tables that have privacy folders.

5.     Once you complete your ballot, there will be a station that you approach and hand your ballot to.

6.     As you are heading out, you will be handed the ‘I Voted’ sticker.

7.     Drive safe and feel empowered that you voiced your opinion in an election!


This is not every polling place experience; this has been used as an example to provide anyone with nerves or uncertainty about what in-person voting could look like.


You may still have questions, which is perfectly normal. Refer to this site for any lingering questions you may have:


If you are feeling excess feelings of worry or uncertainty with this upcoming Presidential Election, know we hear you, and we are here for you! Reach out for a free consultation today!


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