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5 ways to take care of YOU when school is out for the summer!

Hallie Pearson

You just took your last final, submitted your last assignment, and said your goodbyes to your friends for the summer. Some of you may be traveling home, some may be going on trips, some may be starting an internship, some working a job, or even some doing summer school. No matter where this summer takes you, it is important to take care of yourself during these months!


Two months of no school could mean a lot of free time, catching up with old friends, or whatever it may be. If you are one without a current schedule and find that summer makes it harder to put yourself first, you are not alone! Summer can be great for many reasons, but one of the most important things is to always take care of YOU. Here are five ways to help you do that!


Get enough sleep

For those of you who may be on a weird schedule for your work or school or those who do not have a schedule, sleep may be the least of your worries. For many, your first week back from school may include a lot of sleep: you earned it!


However, it is important to get 8 hours of sleep a night. I know your schedule may look weird, but you can set sleep timers on your phone, or wind down earlier at night if you have to get up in the morning for something.


If you are having trouble adjusting to a sleep schedule you could try meditation, coloring, journaling, reading, or even your favorite show. These things could help you wind down, get tired, and fall asleep at a time that suits you. If you know you have trouble falling asleep, consider starting your bedtime routine a bit earlier so you can get closer to falling asleep at your desired time. Sleep is such an important aspect of health, and it is important, especially as you are growing that you make time for it and get the sleep your body needs!


Find an activity that you love

Summer can give you uninterrupted time, or maybe more free time to find things that you love to do. Whether it be pickleball, bonfires, or maybe volunteering. There are so many things out there that may be your next favorite thing. Go and try the thing you have been dying to try, pick up a new sport, start a new craft, or meet some new friends!


Make sure you are fueling your body

These months, your schedule may be inconsistent, and your eating times could fall at random. If you have a random schedule, or none at all, something to help keep a schedule could be scheduling in your meal times (if that is something that you may enjoy). With strange schedules or a lack of one over the summer, meals may get neglected, but it is always important to properly fuel your body.


Your body is the vessel that keeps you going, and if you are not properly fueling it, you may feel sluggish, or not at your best. Summer could be the perfect time to try new recipes, foods, or whatever food you love to fuel your body with!


Get outside!

If you love being out by the pool, do that! If you love reading a book, sit outside and read! If you love going for walks or runs, do that outside! Being outside and getting some vitamin D can be a wonderful start to your day or a stress reliever at the midpoint or the end of your day! Even if your time outside may be limited by your schedule constraints, find a way to get out there for at least 10-15 minutes a day, it could make a big difference! Plus, you could even see a beautiful sunrise or sunset.


Spend time with people who uplift you!

Your time is valuable, and you have the wonderful choice of who you choose to spend your time with! Remember: your friends and loved ones should uplift and celebrate your successes! This is a time when you are really finding out who you are, and finding out what you enjoy and who you enjoy. Find those you love spending time with and who love spending time with you. You deserve to be uplifted by those around you, and those who see you as amazing as you are.


If you are starting summer and having a difficult time, you are not alone. Reach out for a free consultation today!


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